Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science

Remembrances of Lübeck

Probably the most famous building of Lübeck is the Holstentor, formerly a gate to the city. To the left of it you can see the church St. Marien, to the right the church St. Petri:

Here's a picture of the Lübecker Dom, as seen from the Seefahrtschule. It is one of the four main churches of Lübeck with two of the seven characteristic towers:

My former colleagues: Almost all members of Lübeck's Mathematical Institute (February 2002):

The professors of Mathematics in 2001:

The students of Computer Science at Lübeck designed a fancy award, called "Heliprof". Here's the trophy:

And here's a brief version of the underlying story:

Imagine all professors of computer science going on a cruise and getting stranded on a remote island. All their efforts to get away from there are in vain, despite of all their expertise in theoretical and applied science. Eventually the students rent a helicopter in order to rescue their professors. Before take-off they vote on whom to rescue (first), the so-called "heliprof".

After each semester there is no cruise but a real vote. In winter 1999/2000 and summer 2000 I would have been the second person to be rescued, in winter 2000/2001 the third one, while in summer 2001 the heliprof was me ;-)