Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science

Other publications

  • J. F. Ziegel (2016)
    Contribution to the discussion of “Of quantiles and expectiles: consistent scoring functions, Choquet representations and forecast rankings” by Werner Ehm, Tilmann Gneiting, Alexander Jordan and Fabian Krüger
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 78, 505–562
  • J. F. Ziegel (2015)
    How is elicitability relevant for backtesting?
    Oberwolfach Reports 12, 2526-2527
    Workshop: The Mathematics and Statistics of Quantitative Risk Management. Organized by: Richard A. Davis, Paul Embrechts, Thomas Mikosch and Andrew J. Patton.
  • J. F. Ziegel (2015)
    Copula calibration
    Oberwolfach Reports 12, 1091–1094
    Workshop: Copulae: On the Crossroads of Mathematics and Economics. Organized by: Xiaohong Chen, Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Piotr Jaworski and Johanna G. Nešlehovà.
  • J. Ziegel (2011)
    Precision estimation for stereological volumes
    In Proceedings of the 17th European Young Statisticians Meeting, 257-261