
Date and Venue

Unless specified otherwise, all colloquia take place in Room -203 of Alpeneggstrasse 22 on Friday afternoon at 16:15 h.


The colloquia are organized by the lecturers of IMSV. You may receive announcements via a mailing list.

HS 2023
Date Title Speaker
22.09.2023 Causal regularization Ernst Wit (Lugano)
13.10.2023 Extreme event propagation using counterfactual theory and vine copulas Almut Veraart (Imperial College London)
03.11.2023 Non-stationary Spatio-Temporal Modelling with Applications to Autonomous Sampling  Geir-Arne Fuglstad (NTNU Trondheim)
FS 2024
Date Title Speaker
15.03.2024 Swiss Statistics Seminar
24.05.2024 On Isotonic Conditional Laws and Sequential Forecast Evaluation Sebastian Arnold (Bern, PhD defense)
